Monday, April 07, 2008

Chief Rap Officer - "ghettUU"

woiding! bis in tod,
mei hoats pflasta
hoat wia oids brod
wia rohe pasta
foad hundatsiemazwanzga o im opel astra
onlog on masta
da trebbl passt
und da bass passt a

... and as a (questionable) service to the English-speaking among our viewer (sic!), a translation:

walding! until death
my hard turf
hard like old bread
or uncooked pasta
criving down the B 127 in the opel astra
sound system on chief
the treble is alright
and so is the base

Verily, we can agree on that it better be left in dialect, can we not? (Hint: we can!)


Sebastian said...

Yes I can, Obama. Tighte rhymes alter.

Anonymous said...
